Necessary Evil 3 for Savage Worlds is Coming Soon

Published On: February 21, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, Necessary Evil 3, News, Super Powers Companion for SWADE

Just when you thought it was safe to walk the city streets again… The “bad guys” are BACK!

Necessary Evil 3 is on deck as our next crowdfunding campaign, and this time we’re sending the villains of Omega on an impossible mission: eliminate the Outsider to save the timeline as they know it!

And speaking of that timeline, we’ll also be releasing both Necessary Evil and Necessary Evil: Breakout with new art, all new tricks, and fully updated for use with SWADE and the new Super Powers Companion.

To be sure you don’t miss out, drop your email addy on this form today so you’ll be notified when the campaign launches!

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