New Issues of Eric Powell’s The Goon™ and a Sale on the RPG!

Eric Powell’s multiple Eisner Award-winning comic, The Goon™ enjoyed a nice long run with Dark Horse Comics, but now, after recently celebrating its 20th (gasp!) anniversary, it has come home to roost under Eric’s own imprint, Albatross Funnybooks, with an entire new series of rollicking adventures!
We loves us some Goon™ and know many of you do too, so here’s a link to Eric’s newest books AND a sweet, sweet deal on The Goon™ Roleplaying Game!
Our grand Goon™ bundle gets you the The Goon™ Roleplaying Game book in Limited Edition hardcover, the GM Screen + The Great Bollaire Street Party Adventure, a set of 20 custom Bennies, plus a pile o’ PDFs immediately upon checkout, all for the low, low price of just $64.76 (a whopping 20% off the full retail price for ordering the whole kit ‘n kaboodle today!)
This game requires the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition core rules to play, which is not included in this bundle. You can even check out our SWD to SWADE conversion guide for The Goon™ right here to play with the latest rules!