SWAG Spotlight: The Case of the Mountain Light for Savage Worlds
Are you ready to… …protect the citizens …serve the community …patrol the streets …uphold the law …solve the crime …and survive the experience? Created by Jan Jetmar and Cyril Ronseaux, the Case of the Mountain Light is the fourth full-length adventure in the City Guard Chronicles for Savage Worlds where the heroes investigate crimes and protect the citizens as fantasy cops in a pseudo-medieval city. [...]
Glowing Reviews for Fear Agent™ and The Goon™
They like us! They really like us! While our Kickstarters for Fear Agent™ and The Goon™ successfully wrapped just two weeks ago, both games have [...]
Savage Gathering at Chupacabracon
Celebrate all things Savage at Chupacabracon with an unparalleled gathering of Pinnacle personnel!* Chupacabracon IV takes place May 12th-14th at the Wingate Hotel & Conference [...]
Follow the Adventures of Up To 4 Players
Do you like comics? Roleplaying games? How about comics about roleplaying games??? In the latest installment of Up to 4 Players, a weekly (and awesomely [...]
Savage Licensee Spotlight: Journeyman Games
Five years ago, the Wild Card Creator, from Will Herrmann (published through his company, Journeyman Games), popped up on Kickstarter promising a new, easy, and [...]
East Texas University Fills the Bundle of Holding
College is scary. Going to East Texas University is downright terrifying, but at least you can do it on the cheap if you sign up [...]
Shane Hensley Unboxes Conan: Rise of Monsters
Watch as our own Shane Hensley unboxes some of the first painted production models for Conan: Rise of Monsters. Seriously, folks, you have to see [...]
Join Pinnacle at the ETU Tailgate Party at ChupacabraCon!
Even at East Texas University, college isn't just about demons and dismemberment work and study—there's a party or two thrown in there for good measure. [...]
Talislanta: The Savage Land – A prequel of the classic “No Elves!”
This period is like a nightmarish version of our own Dark Ages. All knowledge of spell-casting has been lost; maps are nearly non-existent, and much [...]
Mythic Gazetteer to Launch Blackwood Errantry Codex Kickstarter
The Mythic Gazetteer is proud to announce their upcoming Kickstarter for The Blackwood Errantry Codex. This new complete setting book contains a full Plot Point [...]
Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Complete!
The Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has ended! Thank You, Everyone! With your support we've reached our goal and we've had a ton of [...]
GRAmel Releases The Dark Creed Cultists for Nemezis
Our friends at GRAmel just published a new sourcebook for Nemezis—a technological universe where omnipresent global networks, advanced technologies, genetic engineering, and nanoid treatments redefine [...]
Deadlands Live on Twitch with Wildcards from Saving Throw
Our friends at Saving Throw are now running a live Deadlands game on their Twitch channel on Friday nights. It launched last Friday, and you [...]
The Goon for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Wraps!
The Goon™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has ended! As always, our thanks go out to you. Not only do you make these things possible, you [...]
The Goon™ and Fear Agent™ Kickstarters Wrap Up Monday!
Some things are good. Some things are great. Some things are going fast. These bad boys are all three, I tell you! Don't miss your [...]
Get More from The Goon™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter!
Oh, sure, there's all sorts of stuff you can get from The Goon™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter—books, PDFs, dice, minis, and more—but there's also stuff [...]
Take the Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Further!
Space. We discovered that it isn't empty when we found out it wasn't friendly. But there's a lot more out there than we know (or [...]