SWADE 20th Anniversary PledgeManager Closes This Thursday!
We are ready to start fulfillment for our Kickstarter campaign for the Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Celebration, and that means you have until this Thursday, August 15th, to jump into the PledgeManager to pay for shipping and update your address. Promptly completing your shipping info helps ensure your pledges begin shipping soon after we close the PM this week! Pallets to our fulfillment partners [...]
Video Review of Savage Worlds
It's always nice to see what people are thinking about Savage Worlds, and it's great to see a considered review. We found one of those [...]
Impression of Lankhmar: Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild
Have you got players wanting to wander through the dusky alleys and knife-filled handshakes of Lankhmar? One of your go-to resources could be Lankhmar: Savage [...]
50 Fathoms Explorer’s Edition GM Screen Inserts Available
The world of 50 Fathoms is no place to find yourself without knowing your way. A map, some charts, or substantiated rumor is something, but [...]
Treats for Tricks—Free Halloween One Sheets!
It's that time of year, the time to take a break and scare the willies out of your players with a Halloween game. If you [...]
Dual Bulls-eyes for the Deadlands Double-Shot Kickstarters!
Sometimes, all you can do is tip the brim of your dusty hat and offer up your most sincere "Thanks, amigo." That time is upon [...]
It’s Murderthon Time for Savage Rifts®!
Congratulations! You've been invited to participate in the newest Juicer blood-sport! Sure, it's freakishly violent, but they're so very popular. The one-night special event looks [...]
Savage Worlds in the Fantasy Grounds Top Five!
The folks over at ENWorld just posted a list of the Most Played Games on Fantasy Grounds by ruleset, and we're feeling pretty good about. [...]
Thunder Moon Rising Rises in the Charts!
Deadlands: Thunder Moon Rising hit the stands last week, and it looks like it packed a mighty punch! The second novel in the Deadlands series [...]
Deadlands Thunder Moon Rising Novel Releases Today!
The Deadlands Double-Shot Kickstarters aren't the only hot new things in the Weird West right now—the second Deadlands novel is available today! Thunder Moon Rising [...]
Welcome Our New Licensee Manager Danny Walsh
The Pinnacle Entertainment family is happy to welcome a new member, Danny James Walsh. He will be lightening the load of our busy COO and [...]
The Case for Playing Savage Rifts®
It's not all Kickstarters and new guys around here, you know. People are out there playing all sorts of Savage Worlds settings, even before the [...]
Savage Your World in Portuguese!
The Portuguese library for Savage Worlds has grown even larger! Our Portuguese licensee RetroPunk releases this week translations for the Horror Companion and the new edition of [...]
Deadlands Novel News!
Fear is abroad in the Deadlands as a string of brutal killings and cattle mutilations trouble a frontier town in the Arizona Territory, nestled in [...]
Rifts® Coalition Field Manual and Bookmarks Released!
It's a good day for both players and characters in Rifts® for Savage Worlds! For all those fighting the good fight against magic and monster, [...]
Reviews, Discussions, and Podcasts—Oh My!
Where are those extinguisher ear muffs—our ears are really burning! Who's talking about Savage Worlds lately? The fine folks at The Gauntlet Podcast have a [...]
The Cackler Comes to Town—In Hardback!
The identity and plans of the Cackler are a Deadlands mystery twenty years in the making, and the answers are finally in your grasp! The [...]