Now on FoundryVTT – Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion
Thanks to the efforts of the amazing MetaMorphic dev team, the Science Fiction Companion for Savage Worlds is now available for FoundryVTT!
There are places far beyond the familiar bounds of Earth. Some lie twinkling in the distant starfields, waiting to be discovered by intrepid explorers or conquered by legions of space marines. Others are just around the corner in time, a near future where hovertanks race across blasted battlefields, cyberware replaces organic limbs, and robots serve humanity—or attempt to annihilate it.
This module brings the updated Science Fiction Companion, completely compatible with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to FoundryVTT. All the Edges and Hindrances, Setting Rules, gear, cyberware, and numerous strange creatures from across the galaxy are faithfully adapted and ready for play.
The new Science Fiction Companion joins our growing catalog of options for FoundryVTT including products for Rifts® for Savage Worlds, adventures for Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds, and Plot Point campaigns for Deadlands: The Weird West! Find them all in our store or over on FoundryVTT!