Now on Kickstarter: Gaslight Victorian Fantasy

Published On: July 18, 2017Categories: News

gaslightPicture a fantastical world populated by the Lost Boys of Neverland and the Beast Men from Dr. Moreau’s infamous island. A Victorian London where the rays of Martian tripods light up the night sky and rumors abound of an immortal vampire named Count Dracula who prowls the rain-soaked, fog-laden streets.

Included in these imaginings are whisperings of mysterious organizations hellbent on determining what is best for humanity, and they have launched a shadow war against the other secret societies so that only one will prevail.

This is the world of Gaslight: Victorian Fantasy from Savage Worlds licensee Battlefield Press!

Right now, you can support the creation of a Savage Worlds third edition of the game on Kickstarter, this time adding new races like Bat Beastmen, Pixies, and Ghosts, new secret societies, quick-play archetypes, a detailed timeline of Gaslight Earth (1860-1901), new Edges, new Hindrances, and all-new Powers!