Official and Licensed Updates to Fantasy Grounds
For those of you who get your gaming on via Fantasy Grounds, you can now upgrade your Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop with a few new supplements!
From Pinnacle, pick up Savage Foes of Nehwon for your Lankhmar campaign, as well as Ghost Towns for use with Deadlands! Savage Foes of Nehwon and Ghost Towns are also available for purchase through Steam, as well.
A couple of our licensees are also offering brand new Fantasy Grounds goodies including Under His Skin, a Novice-level fantasy adventure for four to six players from AAW Games, as well as The Dark Creed: Cultists for Nemezis from GRAmel (Beasts & Barbarians, Tyrnador: Fate of Ventar).
Visit Steam or the FG Shop to find these and many other fine Savage Worlds products for your Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop!