Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds—Rise of the Runelords Boxed Set Items Released in PDF

Published On: June 29, 2021Categories: News

For those who have been waiting patiently to get their iron gauntlets on the contents of the Rise of the Runelords Boxed Set for Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, everything from that box is now available for purchase in PDF from our store! This includes all six volumes of the campaign, the Guide to Varisia, and the Map of Sandpoint.

Collect ’em all in one go with the Rise of the Runelords Boxed Set, or pick and choose from the following:

Additionally, it’s not too late to get a great deal as a late backer of our Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter!

Pledge for the print version of this product through our PledgeManager and Add-On any other cool extras like the Rise of the Runelords Boxed Set, VTT packages for Fantasy Grounds, FoundryVTT, or Roll20, or an extra set of Bennies, and you’ll get a FREE copy of the Savage Pathfinder Companion! Plus save on shipping.