PEG and PAX East Hit Boston March 10-12

Published On: March 7, 2017Categories: News

PAX EastIt’s that time of year again—the time when people flock to Boston for PAX East! Joining the migration are our COO and Managing Editor Jodi Black and Savage Worlds Brand Manager Clint Black.

PAX started in 2004 with the folks at Penny Arcade who decided they wanted a show exclusively for gaming. After all, games are just as cool as comics, anime, and other nerd hobbies, right? Bursting out of their old venue from doubling each year, they expanded into Boston for PAX East in 2010 with tens of thousands of attendees in the inaugural year.

PAX East has tabletop boardgames (with games for all ages), console freeplay, a PC area, a handheld lounge, panels, an exhibit hall with all the con goodies, concerts and Ommegathon where the lone survivor of six games wins a trip to Japan.

Come see Clint and Jodi Black at their booth for Carolina Game Tables, booth #10109. Not only will you get to talk to two Savage Worlds luminaries that happen to be genuinely nice and interesting, but you can also get a gaming table that converts to a beautiful dining room table!

Come out to experience the fun!