Play Games for 24 Hours for the Kids!

Published On: October 8, 2019Categories: News

The Board Gaming and Table Top Society at East Carolina University (BGS) in Greenville, NC is raising money for the James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital at Vidant in Greenville, North Carolina via the Children’s Miracle Network through Extra Life. BGS is hosting its sixth annual 24-hour game marathon from noon on Saturday, October 19th until noon on Sunday, October 20th.

If you’re in the area, join the BGS for 24-hours of board games, video games, and tabletop roleplaying games including two games of Savage Worlds!

There is also a raffle with hourly drawings for products and services that have been donated to the club (including a few items from Pinnacle Entertainment Group). During last year’s Extra Life event, over 50% of the money raised came from this raffle, and over the last five years, the BGS has raised over $25,000.00 for the James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital!

Warm up your dice and get ready to participate in this year’s event in the Brody School of Medicine Common Room.

For more info, to sign up, and to make donations, visit the Extra Life Facebook event page for the Board Gaming and Table Top Society.

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