Please Wait to Upgrade to Foundry VTT V10

Published On: September 6, 2022Categories: News, VTT

As you may have heard, FoundryVTT just released version 10 of its amazing virtual table top software.

This updated version brings many changes to improve game play for everyone, and our crack Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop Conversion Team is looking forward to showcasing what these new features can do.

However, V10 is not backwards compatible with modules for prior versions and therefore existing modules will need to be upgraded to run without breaking on v10. Because of this, we do not recommend upgrading to v10 at this time.

If you are using any of our Premium Content (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Core RulesDeadlandsRifts® for Savage WorldsPathfinder® for Savage Worlds, etc.), please do not update to V10 Stable until a compatible version of your content has been released.

The dev team’s path to v10 requires a series of updates and our intrepid hero, PEG VTT Lead Developer Florian Radlberger (aka “FloRad”) is working to update the SWADE system to version 10 compatibility:

  • As part of system development, FloRad will solicit community help to test the system. Reply to this issue on the gitlab repo if you would like to be involved:
  • When the system is ready, they will begin to convert Premium Content, starting with SWADE Core followed by the Core modules for each setting (i.e. Deadlands, Rifts® for Savage Worlds, Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds).
  • Once the core rules are v10 stable, they can move to add-ons such as adventures, map packs, cards, etc.

There are no hard timelines for these milestones, however, each is dependent on the other. Therefore, “when will x product be updated?” depends on whether the previous milestones have been realized or not.

The timeline to advance through all milestones is likely to be measured in weeks not days, so we appreciate your patience in this matter.

Yes, I want to hear about new products, sales, and news from the community!
