
Ghost Train is a story roleplaying game set in Deadlands: The Weird West™. A group of outlaws have recently heard of a train coming through Bottleneck Falls loaded with ghost rock — not to mention a high-stakes floating poker game. Armed to the teeth with guards, the train has never been successfully robbed. But that won’t stop these desperados from launching their plan.

Ghost Train plays differently from any of the previous Tall Tales. For starters, the players only have some of the information available at the onset. Secondly, there are three different ways to play this one, which means there are a lot more set-up options. Thirdly, there are new rules for resolving conflict, a Cliffhanger, and a new ending chart for each story type. Finally, the PCs can be the bad guys in this one if they want to.

Get ready for the fastest, wildest Tall Tale ever.

The heroes who must survive the wild are lightning-fast gunfighters, card-slinging hucksters, mad scientists, or even common townsfolk. But they’d best be quick—their fate is in their hands.


Tall Tales is a narrative roleplaying game for three or more players. This zero-preparation game features enough structure to move the action along with plenty of room for creative and cooperative storytellers to spin rich and engaging yarns.

Tall Tales is based on the Protocol game series. Players take on the roles of directors outside the action and characters inside the action, using the ebb and flow of four different scene-framing styles to tell meaningful stories about characters in crisis: Vignettes, Interrogations, Interludes, and Ensembles. Each story explores unique player characters dealing with the adversity of the particular situation and their own personal issues in the best dramatic fashion.

Tall Tales requires a deck of cards (with Jokers) as well as tokens to track Drama Points and Grit. It presumes some understanding of GMless game protocol: scene-framing, shared authority, and so on. If you’ve never played a GMless game, try one of the GMZero games like Dying Memoryes, Forget-Me-Not, or Monogatari. There is also a free PDF online at

If you like this free look at the first Tall Tale, please check out our others.