
Bring more Fast! Furious! Fun! to your Rifts® for Savage Worlds virtual tabletop!

We know many Game Masters use a virtual tabletop to find gaming friends across the globe or even to manage combat at a physical game table from their laptop. Our Do-It-Yourself Virtual TableTop products allow you to play using any platform of your choice!

This product includes Rifts® for Savage Worlds Pawn Set 2, formatted as individual token graphics for use on your virtual tabletop platform of choice. Featuring more than 75 tokens, this set expands the host of monsters and machines you can pit against the Tomorrow Legion!


You will need Rifts® for Savage Worlds to use this product in addition to your desired VTT of choice.

Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.