Travel in style, any world, any time!
The Vehicle Guide for Savage Worlds is your ticket to use any vehicle in your adventures. From Roman galleons to moon-sized space stations, we’ve got you covered with a massive collection of sample vehicle statistics of every size just waiting to be customized—or used on the fly as-is! Just add guns and daring crew.
Vehicle types are divided by era so you can easily figure out those burning questions like how an advanced alien spacecraft stacks up against a World War 2 battleship. Each vehicle type has a custom table including Size, Mass, Length, Handling, Top Speed, Toughness, Crew, and example craft typical for the category.
The Savage Worlds Vehicle Guide includes comprehensive guidelines on converting vehicles—whether real-world or fictional—into your game, and includes tips for using “real world” vehicle statistics as a springboard to bring more varied monsters and encounters to your table.
NOTE: This PDF updated in August 2020 to include EIGHT additional pages of sample vehicles! If you previously purchased this product, please re-download.
This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play. This has been revised for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and the revised edition of Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook.
Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.