The Last Parsec: Savage Tales of the Red Band (Part II)
Savage Tales of the Red Band by Brand Manager Matthew Cutter is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign. This is part two. Part I in PDF can be found here.
During the early exploration of the Known Worlds, JumpCorp survey teams color-coded bands of expansion. For several decades, the “red band” proved the most dangerous—and the most profitable. Eventually, several of these trailblazing charters joined together to form the “Red Band Conglomerate.”
Red Band is so large it defies any simple description, much like JumpCorp itself. Its charters participate in everything from galactic defense to the usual gamut of exploration, shipping, and R&D.
This adventure series requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Science Fiction Companion.
Savage Tales of the Red Band (Part II) originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Volume 1, Issue 3. For a Print+PDF copy, go here.