Raising the Bar at Genghis Con

Published On: January 17, 2017Categories: News

Genghis ConDon’t miss out on Genghis Con 40—you’ll get more Savage Worlds games than any other convention, including the big hitters like Gen Con!

This is also the place to kick your GMing up a notch, too. All those games lead to experienced GMs, and they’re ready to share. Sign up for Savage Worlds Gamemastering: Raising the Bar and hear from Chris “Savage Mommy” Fuchs, Ron Richenbach, Camden Wright, and Norm “No Relation” Hensley. Get their tips, tricks, and techniques for running consistently excellent games.

Can’t make it? If everything works out right, there will be a video available afterwards. Make any offerings to the AV spirits you feel appropriate.

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