Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis Rising PledgeManager Ends Today

Published On: May 31, 2022Categories: Crowdfunding, News

Later tonight (Tuesday, May 31st), we’re shutting the doors on our PledgeManager for Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis Rising, so if you haven’t yet completed your order, the clock is ticking!

The products are all printed, at sea, and on their way to our warehouse, so it won’t be too much longer before expertly packed cartons arrive on your doorsteps. Fingers are crossed for shipping to begin by the end of June, with (we hope) your unboxing videos to follow shortly thereafter!

Please note that if you do not complete your order by the end of the day today, shipping costs may very well change and possibly increase for you (especially for our international customers). Also be sure to double check your mailing address in the PledgeManager so that Atlantis doesn’t wind up on someone else’s doorstep or disappear beneath the waves… again!

Thanks again for supporting Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis Rising.