Rifts® for Savage Worlds Powers and Mega Powers List

Published On: March 7, 2017Categories: News

RIFTS_Powers_List900We heard a brilliant suggestion a while back: to create one file with both the powers from Savage Worlds and their Mega Power version from Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.

The Powers and Mega Powers List saves those of you new to Savage Worlds from flipping between the two books every time you use a power or Mega Power. Game play should be a few seconds faster this way! It’s is perfect for player and Game Master alike.

If you supported our Rifts® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter then you already have a copy in your Pinnacle account as a bonus! If you missed the Savage Rifts® Kickstarter, or just want a handy compilation of a lot of cool powers for Savage Worlds, check out the Rifts® for Savage Worlds Powers and Mega Powers List today!