Rifts® for Savage Worlds Quick Start Bundle PLUS GameChanger Update

Published On: December 20, 2022Categories: Crowdfunding, News, RIFTS Terror + Islands

While our current Double Feature GameChanger for Rifts® for Savage Worlds is over 1100% funded (with over two weeks left in the campaign), we are currently offering a discounted Rifts® for Savage Worlds Quick Start Bundle ideal for those new to the wild world of Rifts®!

This 15% OFF bundle is perfect for anyone starting their journey with the Rifts® for Savage Worlds rules and setting! Get all of the books you need to play including a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Core Rules, Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Revised), and Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Game Master’s Handbook (Revised) in either PDF or Print.

Also, consider backing our GameChanger in support of South America: Land of a Thousand Islands and Terror on the Dark Frontier, two brand new Boosters for use with Rifts® for Savage Worlds.

Have yourself a VERY Merry Rifts®-Mas!