Rippers Resurrected Released!
It’s finally that special time of the year—that time when you can look forward to the holidays, family, and tearing things out of the dark creatures of a darker night to implant them into your own body! That’s right, Rippers Resurrected is now available!
It’s not just available—it’s available in bundles! If you want to preorder all of the Rippers Resurrected print material, grab a copy of the Rippers Resurrected Preorder Bundle. You’ll get all the PDFs that are available immediately—and we’ll let you know when the other PDFs are ready—and the books will ship to you right after the Kickstarter backers get theirs and before release to the general public.
For those of you who want or need the PDFs without the chains of worldly books weighing you down, grab the Rippers Resurrected Virtual Bundle! You’ll get all of the goodness with none of the mass: the distilled spirit of Victorian monster-hunting horror.
And keep your eyes open. We’ll share more news about early 2016’s Rippers Resurrected minis from Reaper as we have it. Soon, no table will be safe from the evils of the past, nor without the heroic hope from the same source.
Just ask yourself one question—what are you willing to do to fight the evil in the night?