Saddle Up for the Deadlands: Blood Drive PledgeManager
Time to head ’em up and move ’em out, amigos!
The PledgeManager for Blood Drive: A Deadlands Booster Campaign is LIVE and ready for those late backers who might have missed out on last year’s Kickstarter.
Now is your chance to choose a pledge level, give your address, confirm physical rewards, upgrade your pledge if you want, add on some cool stuff, and pay for shipping.
The value on these reward levels is the BEST reason to pledge now, even as a late backer. The “Blood Drive (ALL IN!)” reward level costs $60 but you get a whopping $90 worth of print product! After placing your order, contact [email protected] for complimentary PDFs of all those items, plus any Add-Ons you toss in. Domestic backers in the USA pay no additional shipping on Add-Ons!
Please note that if it’s your first time using the portal, especially those of you overseas, be sure to read through all the fine print in our latest Kickstarter Update for details about taxes, shipping label prep, and more.
The Deadlands: Blood Drive Pledge Manager will remain open until June 2021.
Be sure to contact [email protected] for any reward level upgrades or if you have any questions at all.