Savage Gathering at Chupacabracon
Celebrate all things Savage at Chupacabracon with an unparalleled gathering of Pinnacle personnel!*
Chupacabracon IV takes place May 12th-14th at the Wingate Hotel & Conference Center in Austin, TX. Featuring a schedule positively bursting at the seams with games, Chupa also boasts a jam-packed Savage Saturday Night with several Pinnacle alums working behind the GM screens! Catch up with Jodi & Clint Black, Sean Patrick Fannon, Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Sara & Brendan Quinn, and, of course Shane Hensley himself. And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll find several other folks representing a number of popular licensees in attendance, as well.
And don’t miss our East Texas University tailgate party on Friday May 12th from 6:00-8:00pm in the parking lot. Enjoy free drinks and chips until they’re gone. Challenge a Savage Worlds celebrity to a tailgate game like washers or ladder toss for the price of a small donation to the con charity. And in true tailgate fashion, join us in a round of the ETU Fight Song which we’ll then share online for all! Go Ravens!
* Try saying that three times fast!