When all the super heroes of the world are blown to kingdom come by an army of invading aliens, who will save the day? Evil…

The only forces left to take on the alien menace are the crafty and self serving super villains!

Inside the twisted superhero setting Necessary Evil for Savage Worlds, you will find a whole slew of adventures weaving in and out of a resistance story, new Edges and Hindrances, a bestiary of out of this world critters, and more. Get all THREE Plot Point Campaigns in the Necessary Evil Boxed Set!

  • Necessary Evil: Invasion (revised). The original block-buster campaign is updated for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) and the Super Powers Companion (SPC). Four-color villains (Power Level III) fight to save Earth from the clutches of the evil v’sori invaders. You might be a bad guy, but it’s still your planet these pesky aliens are tearing up. This book features the first appearance of the outrageous Outsider and the deadly Dr. Destruction.
  • Necessary Evil: Breakout (revised). The pulse-pounding follow-up to Necessary Evil returns, revised for SWADE and the SPC, and with supplementary material for leading your own criminal gang now integrated into the book. While the villains of Necessary Evil: Invasion fought to save the world, the Street Fighter (Power Level II) ruffians of Breakout fight for their freedom (and their lives) in a New York City the aliens turned into a giant prison camp. Breakout takes place before the events of Invasion, so play it on its own, or as a piece of the larger story.
  • Necessary Evil: Cosmic Crisis. Years after the original invasion, a formidable group of Cosmic (Power Level V) scalawags get one chance to free themselves from an inter-galactic prison and save their own futures. The only catch? They have to kill the omnipotent Outsider first! Galactic fun and mayhem await. Cosmic Crisis can be played on its own, but it packs extra punch if your group played through the events of Invasion first!