Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Celebration — LIVE on Kickstarter!

Published On: June 27, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, News

Since its original publication back in 2003—with the catchy tagline, “Fast! Furious! Fun!”—Savage Worlds has expanded around the globe (in 11 languages) to become one of the most beloved tabletop roleplaying game systems!

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of that first edition, we are excited to offer a newly updated printing of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition along with a host of amazing accessories now funding right now on Kickstarter!

First up, thanks to you and your continued support, we recently ran out of SWADE core rule books for the second time this year, and for the next printing, we have decided to ensure it is fully updated with everything found in our four-page Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates document which can also be downloaded for FREE if you want to be sure you’re playing with the most up-to-date version of the rules!

Second, along with this updated printing of the core rules, we’re also offering a new $20 Savage Worlds Player’s Book available in FIVE variant covers (collect ’em all)! These gorgeous, full-color, softback books contain all the information players need to create their heroes and dive right into the game.

Third, for those who missed out on the Boxed Set from our original SWADE Kickstarter, we are excited to offer a brand new Savage Worlds Accessory Box packed with all the extras you need as a Game Master, including an Action Deck, three punchboard sheets with essential tokens and templates, four Power Point counters, a set of Status Cards, an exclusive new dice set, 25 Bennies, and four Conviction Tokens!

Make your way over to Kickstarter right now to review the Reward Levels, admire the Add Ons, scan those Stretch Goals, and pledge your support for the 20th anniversary of Savage Worlds!