Savage Worlds Adventure Edition PDF and Print Preorder Options
If you missed out on our recent Kickstarter for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, and you’re wondering about the PDF that everybody’s talking about, here’s what you need to know!
If you like pixels and only want the electronic version, go to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (PDF) page to order now from Pinnacle directly, or grab it from!
For the Print+PDF option, visit the Pledge Manager where you can back Savage Worlds Adventure Edition at one of four reward levels (ranging from the basic $50 Core Book to the $200 Ultimate level featuring the regular edition of the Core Book, the signed Collector’s Edition, AND the Savage Worlds Essentials Boxed Set). Once you’ve paid for your order, just email [email protected] to get the latest PDF added to your Pinnacle website account. If you don’t have an account yet, create one!
Please note that some items are limited (extra copies of the signed Collector’s Edition, for example), so you may want to complete your order quickly to lock it all in.
The Pledge Manager will remain open until April 3, 2019.
To find out more (including details about international shipping), click here.