Savage Worlds Adventure Edition – The Story So Far…

Published On: October 23, 2018Categories: News

As of this writing, almost 2,700 of you have pledged your support for our Kickstarter for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition!

Your generosity has unlocked several exciting Stretch Goals including an updated Savage Setting of Yesteryear: Evernight, two expansions to the World Builder’s Guide, new Status Tokens added to the Essentials Boxed Set, and the upcoming WildCards Livestream of ETU: Undeclared!

Today, we’ve posted the next batch of Stretch Goals (all the way up to $300K) including:

For more details about all our Stretch Goals as well as the latest Jumpstarts (completely playable introductions to the Savage Settings of some of our “Ace” licensees), visit the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Kickstarter page today!