Savage Worlds and Doomtown at PAX Unplugged
Beginning Friday, December 6th, PAX Unplugged returns to the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA!
On Thursday the 5th, the Pine Box Entertainment gang (along with the Philadelphia Tanuki Society Gaming Club) gets the ball rollin’ with their Pre-PAX Unplugged Thursday night Social / Brawl Crawl. Keep an eye on the Pine Box forums for specific times and locations.
Once PAX Unplugged officially opens on Friday morning, get ready for Savage Worlds and Doomtown events all weekend long:
FRIDAY 12pm – 2:30pm | Doomtown Casual & Beginners Tourney
Pine Box Entertainment welcomes you to PAX Unplugged 2019 for an open play / learn to play environment for players new and old to the land of the Weird West in the world of Deadlands. Please join this great community for a few rounds of casual play or learn to play Doomtown for the first time! All players will receive promotional items for participation. Registration for this event opens at 9am on Friday at Carolina Game Tables (booth 3207) in the Exhibit Hall.
FRIDAY 9pm | Social: Queen & Rook After Hours w/ the Philadelphia Tanuki Society Gaming Club
Join the Pine Box Entertainment team at the Queen & Rook for more Doomtown gaming and socializing.
SATURDAY 12pm – 6pm | Doomtown: Somethin’ About Some Bullets
Join Pine Box Entertainment for the final major round-up of 2019 as they epilogue the events that took place at the major Destination Event in Tombstone on October 26th. Participating players will make votes that effect the posse that takes on the perilous journey to hunt down Stone and travel Back East to Gettysburg! Help shape the Doomtown fiction itself as the winner makes the ultimate decision that effects the heroes hunting the relics necessary to take down the Deadly Drifter! Registration for this event opens at 9am on Friday at Carolina Game Tables (booth 3207) in the Exhibit Hall.
SATURDAY 7pm – 11pm | RPG Room: Savage Saturday Night!
Join the Delaware Valley Savages for a night of roleplaying all things Savage Worlds as Savage Saturday Night makes its debut at PAX Unplugged with a whopping 12 scheduled games!
And ALL weekend long, visit the Savage Worlds Demo Table in the RPG Freeplay Hall (Hall C) to participate in demos of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. And be sure to swing by Carolina Game Tables (booth 3207) in the Exhibit Hall where you’ll find both Jodi and Clint Black who will be more than happy to chat about all things Savage Worlds!
See you in Philly!