Savage Worlds at KublaCon 2023—This Weekend!
This weekend (May 26th-29th), the KublaCon Game Convention returns to the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport in Burlingame, California, celebrating over 20 years of FUN!
KublaCon is the West Coast’s largest gaming convention, with over 96 hours of non-stop gaming including several Savage Worlds games and a special Savage Saturday Night event, this time featuring licensed, homebrew, and official settings like Deadlands Noir, Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla, Dead End, Star Wars, and Pinebox Middle School GMed by of one of its creators, Scott Woodard (Flash Gordon™, The Sixth Gun).
We hope to see you there and don’t be surprised if a burly, fur-clad barbarian occasionally crosses your path, raises a mighty club, and shouts “Kubla” at the top of his lungs!