Savage Worlds Guild Highlight: Sprawlrunners

Published On: November 10, 2020Categories: News

An Electrum Best Seller on DriveThruRPG (as of this writing), Sprawlrunners (from Veiled Fury Entertainment) is a 71-page, setting-agnostic toolkit to help you run cyberpunk (with optional magic) in your Savage Worlds games!

Sprawlrunners pays homage to the classic cyberpunk games of old, bringing their flavor to the fast, furious, and fun Savage Worlds system.

Within the pages of Sprawlrunners you’ll find:

  • Details for playable species and how to integrate them into a (potentially magical) cyberpunk world.
  • New Edges and Hindrances to enhance the cyberpunk feeling.
  • Two different sets of rules for Hacking in cyberspace (the lightning-quick Fast Lane and the more detailed Slow Burn).
  • Jockeys – characters who control vehicles and drones remotely or directly via implants (plus all their toys, drones, and vehicles).
  • A full system for integrating gear and implants into character Advances.
  • Cyberpunk-appropriate gear including customizable weapons.
  • Optional rules for magic in your cyberpunk world (along with special gear and three Arcane Backgrounds).

Download Sprawlrunners today and get ready to hit the mean streets!