Savage Worlds Media Network News
We’ve got some super exciting things coming up this week over on our official PEG Twitch channel!
Tonight starting at 8pm Eastern, get all the dirt on Deadlands: Rise of the Black Circle (currently funding over on Kickstarter) with author Shane Hensley and Outland Entertainment Licensing Manager, C. Edward Sellner.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, August 3rd) at 8pm Eastern, the Savage Rifts® dev team talks Atlantis, Terror, and South America.
Thursday (August 4th) starting at 9pm Eastern (note the time difference), join streamers Harlan Guthrie and Jo Fallak for week six of our Savage Worlds Summer Showcase! This time, they’re joined by Savage Worlds ACE licensees Brandon Verhalen and Ross Watson of Star Anvil Studios (Knights Arcanum) as well as Ben Burns of New Comet Games (Zeta Complex).
And finally, Friday evening starting at 8pm Eastern, meet up with designer Darrell Hayhurst for a quick sneak peek of Legend of Ghost Mountain, our next setting for Savage Worlds coming to GameChanger later this month.
Catch all of the above LIVE on our official PEG Twitch channel!