Savage Worlds Media Network News

It’s “Finals Week” for our current Kickstarter for Pinebox Middle School and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion, and we’ve got some really exciting things lined up over on our official PEG Twitch channel!

Tonight from 6pm to 7pm Eastern, join host Chris Landauer for our Finals Week Stream: Pinebox Middle School & the Horror Companion! This time around, Chris is joined by Tracy Sizemore, Darrell Hayhurst, and Brian Reeves (and maybe one or two other surprise guests) for a last look at some of the many things we’ve teased in our current Kickstarter!

Tomorrow, Wednesday November 9th, swing back around at 8pm Eastern for our rescheduled unboxing of Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse for Savage Worlds with Pinnacle Entertainment Group Production Manager, Simon Lucas.

And then Thursday, November 10th, it’s the final hour Kickstarter countdown party for the Horror Companion and Pinebox Middle School with a cast of creators on-hand to clock-watch, talk about both products, and answer all your burning questions in chat. They might even drop a few hints about some upcoming PEG projects, so do not miss this one!

Catch all the above LIVE this week on Twitch!