Savage Worlds Red Twill Shirt for Preorder!

Published On: February 28, 2017Categories: News

frontWear your Savage Worlds pride with style in our awesome new Savage Worlds Red Twill Shirt with the option to have YOUR name embroidered above the pocket!

The shirt can be pre-ordered starting at $50, and either shipped to your home or picked up at Gen Con 2017. This well made, sturdy, button down shirt even has a pen slot in the pocket for giving or gathering autographs at the convention. The back features our Savage Worlds logo in full color screenprint, and the Pinnacle Entertainment Group logo is embroidered on the sleeve.

The sizes available are S – 5XL for men and S – 3XL for ladies. The ladies’ shirts are made to fit a more female shape.

Are you GMing a game at Gen Con? Want to get one of our Savage Worlds Red Twill Shirts for FREE? Read here!


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