Savage Worlds Shout Out in PC Gamer

Published On: February 28, 2023Categories: News

Last week, Robin Valentine, Senior Editor of PC Gamer, posted a fascinating article titled: I’ve been playing tabletop RPGs for 20 years, and these are the D&D alternatives I recommend.

Among the 10 games discussed, Savage Worlds is right at the top of his list under the “Action & Adventure” category:

Savage Worlds is a great next step from D&D, because it has many of the same touchstones—lots of character options, tactical combat, heroism and drama—but uses clever streamlining to do away with many of its flaws. Fights are quick and easy, even if you throw in lots of allies or hordes of enemies; GM prep is simple and straightforward; and characters advance meaningfully in power without becoming unwieldy.”

Thanks to Robin for including Savage Worlds on this excellent list of D&D alternatives and be sure to give the entire article a look as several other notable tabletop roleplaying games are mentioned.