Savage Worlds Summer Showcase — Week 11

Published On: September 6, 2022Categories: Licensee, Media, News, SWAG

We’ve got some terrific things coming up this week over on our official PEG Twitch channel!

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) starting at 8pm Eastern, join Chris Landauer and Line Developer, Darrell Hayhurst for a chat about our upcoming GameChanger for the Maw of Oblivion for Deadlands: Lost Colony launching next Tuesday, September 13th.

And then this Thursday at 8pm Eastern, catch our latest Summer Showcase! This time around, hosts Harlan and Jo Guthrie catch up with several contributors to this year’s SWAGtember IV bundle including Dan Irwin (Brood, Dark States), Sean Tait Bircher (LEGEND of XIÁKÈ, Scheme Pyramid), Syd Andrews (Shadowcraft), and Ben Giles (Cradle to Grave: A Savage Worlds One Sheet).

Catch all of the above LIVE on our official PEG Twitch channel!

Yes, I want to hear about new products, sales, and news from the community!
