Savage Worlds Summer Showcase — Week 7
Tonight (Tuesday, August 9th) starting at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific, be sure to make your way over to our official Pinnacle Entertainment Group Twitch channel for week seven of our Savage Worlds Summer Showcase!
This time around, hosts Harlan and Jo Guthrie are joined by Savage Worlds ACE licensees Pete Ruttman of Blessed Machine (Secret Agents of CROSS), Mike Lafferty of Fainting Goat Games (The After, the BAMF Podcast), Charles White of Fabled Environments (Buccaneer: Through Hell and High Water, Olympus Inc), and Min Lungelow of Demonskunk Studios (Aether Adrift Jumpstart), along with SWAG creator Adam Loyd (Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement, The Oni Witchbreed for Accursed).
If you’re a Savage Worlds creator who would like to be featured on a future Summer Showcase, reach out to [email protected]!