Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop Conversion Team
With more and more people taking their gaming online, we have officially launched the Pinnacle Entertainment Group Virtual Tabletop Conversion Team to bring Savage Worlds assets to a variety of popular platforms.
In order to supplement the Savage Worlds materials on Fantasy Grounds, the team has recently expanded VTT offerings to include assets for Roll20, Astral, and Foundry VTT.
They began with the Official Character Sheet available for use on Roll20 and continued by adding our Action and Adventure Decks, Deadlands Tokens, and the Dawn of the Daikaiju module.
Now expanding to Astral and Foundry VTT, you’ll soon see an Official Character Sheet for both of those platforms. And shortly after, Foundry VTT will also see the core Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rulebook and other extensions and modules converted for use there.
These are exciting times, with ever more assets available for your virtual game play, and we couldn’t very well share this news without introducing you to the amazing, international team behind it all. Say hello to Dev, Florian, Jeremy, Matteo, Mike, Jon, Rich, Amy, and John!
To find out even more about the Pinnacle Entertainment Group Virtual Tabletop Conversion Team, visit the About Us page!