Saving Throw Takes on Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds

Published On: February 7, 2023Categories: Media, News

Recently, our good friend Dom Zook of the Saving Throw Exploration Society, posted a couple of excellent videos over on YouTube examining Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds.

In the first video, Dom takes a look at the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds core rulebook and asks viewers: “Is it a viable option for those looking to jump the WotC ship?”

The second installment is titled How to Play Savage Pathfinder® – Character Creation – Part 1 – Concept, Ancestry, Hindrances and covers all of the above and more in just nine short—but very informative—minutes.

Check out both of these videos and keep your eyes out for the next episode in which Dom will cover Skills, Traits, and Edges in Savage Worlds.