SciFi and Super Powers Companions for the New Year
The SciFi and Super Powers Companions (Second Edition) will both debut January 14, 2014. You’ll be able to buy the PDF for immediate gratification, preorder the printed books for your reading pleasure, or get a combo pack for the best of both worlds!
The much-anticipated SciFi Companion is in final proofing right now. From the very personal (cyberware, races, Edges, and Hindrances) to the very large-scale (world creation, ships, and vehicles) and everything in between (power armor, robots, weapons, and gear), it’s in there—plus guidelines for creating your own! Shape the future to your whims with the SciFi Companion!
The new edition of the Super Powers Companion is also coming at you! The original printing has been sold out for a while, and Shane, Clint, Norm Hensley, and the gang have been hard at work applying eight years of feedback and playtesting to create the new edition. Shane says, “We’ve really streamlined things and brought all the rules more in line with some of the changes we’ve made in Deluxe. The best part is since we worked on SciFi and Supers at the same time, we were able to better standardize things between the two books…from races to powers to gear.”
Whether you’re looking to fly across the galaxy or just over the nearest tall building (or maybe even combine the two), January 14 is going to be a big day for you!