Super Powers Companion DIY VTT Pawns & Tokens Available Now
No matter which VTT platform you use, these two new DIY VTT assets for use with the Super Powers Companion for Savage Worlds will help you take your online campaign to the next level!
Super Powers Pawns – DIY VTT ($24.99 USD)
A complete set of over 140 pawns as images you can use in any VTT application.
Super Powers Tokens – DIY VTT ($14.99 USD)
Super Powers inspired DIY VTT tokens you can use in any VTT application.
Power up your Savage Worlds experience with these all-new DIY VTT assets available now in our store.
And while you’re there, pre-order a few more upcoming DIY VTT items including the Super Powers Archetype Cards, Super Powers SWADE Adventure Deck Cards, and Tales of the Doom Guard Adventure Map Pack!