SWADE 20th Anniversary PledgeManager Closes This Thursday!
We are ready to start fulfillment for our Kickstarter campaign for the Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Celebration, and that means you have until this Thursday, August 15th, to jump into the PledgeManager to pay for shipping and update your address.
Promptly completing your shipping info helps ensure your pledges begin shipping soon after we close the PM this week!
Pallets to our fulfillment partners in Australia, Canada, and Europe will also ship soon, so it is vitally important that our international customers complete their shipping payment so your orders can be included in those pallets.
We cannot guarantee our international customers the discounted bulk shipping rate that’s currently in the PledgeManager if your orders are not complete before Thursday, as those rates rely on shipping with those pallets.
Please review the most recent Kickstarter update for additional information and if you’re reading this after August 15th, reach out to [email protected] to discuss options.
Thanks again for supporting Savage Worlds!