SWADE Conversion for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™

Published On: October 20, 2020Categories: News

The Flash Gordon™ RPG setting was originally written for Savage Worlds Deluxe (incorporating a fistful of prototype rules that eventually popped up in #SWADE), but it’s easy to update and make fully-compatible with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

While most of the rules can be used as-is, those that require a little more work are detailed in this FREE download.

With this two-and-a-half page document in-hand (along with the SWD to SWADE Conversion Notes we posted a few months ago), you should be able to update certain elements quickly and with little effort so that you can keep your Savage World of Flash Gordon™ campaign rocketing forward with as little interruption as possible.

This is a “living” document, so if you spot something we missed in it, please tell us in the Pinnacle forums!

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