SWAG Spotlight: Fun Raiser – It’s All in the Cards for Savage Worlds

Published On: January 21, 2025Categories: New Release, News, SWAG

Fun Raisers* from SWAG Award-winning licensee Christian Merz, are all-new rules for your Savage Worlds adventures. Each entry in the series covers a different core mechanic; It’s All in the Cards focuses on Jokers and the Action Deck!

Within its eight pages you’ll find:

♣️ Ten modifications to Jokers (26 if counting the variants)
♦️ Six alternate types of the Action Deck (15 if counting the variants)
♥️ Six Setting Rules involving the Action Deck including Jokers (11 if including variants)
♠️ A Bonus Rule: Rotating Dealer Initiative
🃏 Five Edges for when Jokers come out

Fun Raiser: It’s All in the Cards is available now through DriveThruRPG for just $2.00 USD.

* Side effects from use may include mayhem for GMs and players alike, excitement at your table, and the urge to play more!