SWAG Spotlight: Two New Holiday Adventures for Savage Worlds
Just in time for the holiday season, Jan Jetmar (City Guard Chronicles, Grim-O-Ire) has decked the halls with a duo of seasonal adventures for Savage Worlds!
Sleigh One Down (Salt & Chrome One Sheet)
Sprawlrunners do not have many friends, but they do have acquaintances. The smart ones treasure those that they can depend upon when the going gets tough. Even if those acquaintances have quirks, like running the Sprawl only during the holiday season, calling themselves Santa and naming their flyer Sleigh One.
So when I received a call from Santa asking for help, there really was no choice but to load up and set out. I used to work for him one season, he is reliable. As I said, you treasure those you can depend upon.
Santa and his crew of Reindeer crash landed in a hostile environment. Will the Sprawlrunners get him to safety before the raging gangs or corporate security end his career?
Small Cases – The Protection Detail
The longest night came to the City and people celebrate the winter solstice. But not all enjoy a quiet (or raucous) celebration. Some are cowering in fear of what the night brings with it. Because in some cases, paying for your sins might come at a very dangerous price.
One of the councilors has been receiving threats and is seeing messages drawn in blood everywhere. The text is always the same: “The longest night shall be your last. You shall pay for your sins.”
The councilor asks the City Guard to provide a protection detail. As he is the chairman of the City Budget Committee, he is offered one without question. Unfortunately for the investigation squad, the City Guard is stretched thin, and it falls on them to protect the terrified councilor.
The guards are tasked with protecting a councilor in his residence, where a supernatural entity is seeking justice…
Small Cases – The Protection Detail and Sleigh One Down for Savage Worlds are available now through DriveThruRPG via our Savage Worlds Adventurers Guild (or SWAG) program. 🎁