Take the Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Further!

Published On: April 11, 2017Categories: News

Fear Agent for Savage Worlds KickstarterSpace. We discovered that it isn’t empty when we found out it wasn’t friendly. But there’s a lot more out there than we know (or maybe ought to).

As the Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter comes in for a landing on Monday, April 17th (at 5 pm Eastern), you still have a chance to bring more of the “out there” to you. You’ve taken us past several stretch goals, and you’ve already earned some great extras—be sure to check the Fear Agent™ Kickstarter page for full details—but there are still more rewards in easy reach.

We’ve almost hit the printed Custom Combat Options Chart, and the printed version of the Creature Cards are well within reach after that. Worried you don’t have anywhere to put them? Don’t be—the Fear Agent™ Kickstarter brings you all the space in the universe!