Thanks for a Great Pinebox Middle School & Horror Companion Kickstarter
Your enthusiastic support and willingness to spread the good word about our Kickstarter for Pinebox Middle School and the new Savage Worlds Horror Companion helped us to a phenomenal finish last week!
Thanks to your efforts, we unlocked ALL of our Stretch Goals and closed strong over the final few days.
What’s next? Well, we’re focusing on final playtesting, editing, and layout while waiting for Kickstarter to collect pledges. Until the funds are deposited from Kickstarter, we cannot deliver anything.
If you haven’t already, please make an account using your Kickstarter email at, or if you already have an account using a different email, shoot us a reminder of your KS email and your PEG email so we can link your pledge to your PEG account.
We’ll post an Update on the Kickstarter once the order manager is live and when we have the first PDF ready to deliver. Be sure to watch your email for Kickstarter notifications, or keep checking back on the Double Feature campaign page.
If you have any questions during the next few weeks, please email [email protected].
We are grateful for your support for both Pinebox Middle School and the Horror Companion, and we can’t wait to see you all walking the school’s halls or braving the demon-infested corridors of some forlorn estate out on the moor!