The Deadlands: Blood Drive Pledge Manager is Opening Soon!
For those who might have missed out on our recent Kickstarter for Blood Drive: A Deadlands Booster Campaign (or those backers looking to upgrade their original pledges), the Pledge Manager will be unlocking soon so that you can ALL get in on the fun.
While Kickstarter backers will be automatically notified when the Pledge Manager opens, the rest of ya’ can follow this link to sign up and be first in line to have the opportunity to ride along with the rest of the cowpokes.
Through the Pledge Manager, backers will be able to grab a few extra goodies and complete their checkout process, while others can fill up their saddlebags with Blood Drive goodies for the first time.
Please note that the core rules for Deadlands: the Weird West, available through a separate PledgeManager, closes on Jan. 4th. Pledges from the two Kickstarters cannot be combined, although the core rules will be available as Add Ons in the Blood Drive project. The best deal on shipping—especially for our friends overseas—is to pledge for the core rules and as many extras as they may want in the Deadlands: the Weird West PledgeManager, and then sign up for the Blood Drive PledgeManager to check out the deals once it goes live.
We look forward to seeing you all out on the trail soon!