The Fantasy Companion Returns!

Published On: March 19, 2013Categories: News

Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion in Print from Studio 2 PublishingThe Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion is once again available in printed form. You can order it directly from Studio 2 Publishing or find it gracing the shelves of your local game store. Put a world of expanded fantasy right in your hand once again!

The second printing has been fully updated to the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules set. All the spells that were brought into Deluxe have been updated in the Fantasy Companion, as have all the Edges and racial information. The Guts skill has been replaced with wording that allows for settings either with or without Guts (for those of you wanting to bring your Horror Companion to your fantasy games), and all the item generation tables have been redone to smooth out the probabilities.

If you’ve got the PDF, don’t despair.* An updated copy can be downloaded (or even bought for the first time) from the Pinnacle PDF Store and from the Studio 2 Publishing web site. Those of you who bought it from DriveThru/RPGNow should watch for an update e-mail.

And kudos to the eagle-eyed fans who noticed the return of the Fantasy Companion before this announcement! Whether it snuck in under the cover of darkness (or Deadlands Noir) or I was just asleep at the switch, we may never know. [Well, we might. —Ed.]

* If you managed to get a copy of the PDF that doesn’t have a cover, a redownload should take care of the problem.