The Flash Gordon™ Pledge Manager’s ALIVE!

Published On: May 1, 2018Categories: News

If you missed out on our recent Kickstarter campaign for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG for Savage Worlds, don’t dismay!

The Pledge Manager is now LIVE offering you another chance to select one of our spectacular bundles such as the Savior of the Universe Box Set. To participate in the Pledge Manager, click here.

For just $175 this set, packed in a sturdy premium cardboard case, houses Limited Edition hardcover printings of The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG and Flash Gordon™ RPG: The Kingdoms of Mongo. It also includes the landscape, trifold GM Screen plus adventure, two Combat Maps (each double-sided and wet–, dry–, and permanent marker–erasable) double Action Decks, Bennies, and a set of polyhedral dice. You also get all the Flash Gordon™ PDFs and unlocked stretch goals including the Map of Mongo, new Cliffhanger cards, bookmarks, a combat reference chart, pre-generated archetype characters, and two propaganda prints!

Additional bundles are also available as well as a number of upgrades, but please note that you only have until May 20th to pledge your support for Flash and the Freemen of Mongo—whether you were with us in the Kickstarter or just joining the fight now!

Visit the Pledge Manager for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG today!