The Goon for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Wraps!

Published On: April 18, 2017Categories: News

The Goon for Savage Worlds Kickstarter ProjectThe Goon™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has ended! As always, our thanks go out to you. Not only do you make these things possible, you make them fun!

And do you have a lot of fun coming to you. You’ll get the “normal” goodies  like Miniatures, Bennies, GM’s Screen, new adventures, and more. Your backing enthusiasm unlocked Form-Fillable PDF Character Sheet, PDF Archetypes, Custom Combat Options Chart (both in PDF and print), Creature Cards, and Form-Fillable PDF Table Tents.

The mean streets will quiet down here for 2–3 weeks while Kickstarter collects your pledges. Watch here or follow the The Goon™ Kickstarter Updates to stay on top of the news! You want to stay on top, right?

Don’t worry, though. You’ll be dealing with groanin’, brain-chomping zombies, swarms of chug-heads, Slackjaws, Bog Lurks, and other unpleasent creatures as soon as possible!

We couldn’t do these things without you, you know. And we definitely thank you for your help with The Goon™ Kickstarter and your continued support!