The PledgeManager for Wendigo Tales: Volume One & Deadlands: Lost Colony is NOW OPEN!
If you missed out on our Kickstarter campaigns for Deadlands: Lost Colony and Wendigo Tales: Volume One, don’t dismay! The PledgeManager for both is NOW OPEN for business.
Through the PledgeManager, just select the highest reward tier you desire, and then pick-and-choose all your various Add Ons including Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, The Cackler graphic novel, Deadlands: Hell on Earth, 50 Fathoms, and discounted bundles for Deadlands: Noir, East Texas University, Weird War One, Rippers, and Weird Wars Rome.
Please note that if it’s your first time using the portal, especially those of you overseas, be sure to read through all the fine print in our latest Kickstarter Update for details about taxes, shipping label prep, and more.
Be sure to contact [email protected] for any reward level upgrades or if you have any questions at all. Thanks!